Denafrips Thallo
The THALLO our premium offering of stereo power amplifier. It is a beefed-up version of the award-winning HYPERION, fully discrete, true balanced, class AB power amplifier. The output power is rated at conservative 120W per channel into 8ohms, 220W into 4ohms (both channels driven, rms).
The 600VA toroid transformer is custom-made for audio with copper shielding. Total 36 pieces of large reservoir capacitors (200,400uF) and fast switching action schottky diodes, delivering more than adequate DC power rails to the modular power amplifier modules.
True balanced input are being amplified (both +ve and -ve signal w.r.t gnd) by the modular power amplifier circuitry. Each channel is equipped with 4 pairs of output power transistors.